PLM > PLM Applications > PDM Integration > CMI RII - CATIA Teamcenter Integration > FAQ

FAQ. Workflow.

How can I handle multiple-level assemblies?
CMI enables you to manage CATIA data and multiple-level assemblies simultaneously, extending your existing CATIA functionality by features like relative positioning, consistent handling of multiple part occurrences, etc. Please refer to the "CMI White Paper" for an overview of the most valuable CMI features.

What is changed with the handling of CATIA Data by using CMI?
No need to access to the filesystem anymore.
Multiple levels possible (with additional translations / rotations).

What main benefits does the engineer have by using CMI?
The engineer can already use the product structure to add (or remove) multiple CATIA models with very simple (and logical) actions.
Also CATIA data ist under PDM system control that means: no reader-writer problem and proper life-cycle handling.

What happens to the exisiting CATIA data?
The already existing data has to be transfered into work and vault locations. After that it has to be registered as a CATIA-model in the database and inserted into the product structure. The content of the file is not changed at all.
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