PLM > PLM Applications > PDM Integration > CMI - CATIA Teamcenter Integration > Benefits


In order to meet the individual requirements of our international customers, CMI offers a wide range of customizing and configuration capabilities. An extract of our most successful customer specific projects includes solutions for...

Digital Factory
  • Exchange of product structure and CATIA geometry information between Teamcenter Enterprise and Delmia tools (e.g. ENVISION Assembly)
  • Open communication protocol allowing customer specific extensions
  • Intuitive CMI Workbench handling

Partner/Supplier integration
  • Support of Citrix Thin Client technology
  • Seamless and platform independent DMU process support
  • Data exchange between CATIA, Teamcenter Enterprise and the appropriate DMU tool

Digital Mockup
  • Support of 4DNavigator/DMUNavigator and VisMockup
  • Seamless and platform independent DMU process support
  • Data exchange between CATIA, Teamcenter Enterprise and the appropriate DMU tool

Standard Parts integration
  • Support of T-Systems NIS/ PartsMan
  • Comprehensive management and administration of CAD standard components
  • Storage and reuse of any type of geometry or symbols
  • Significant savings in managing part families, design variants and inventory

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